Want a more faithful and fulfilling way of life?
Using the tools of the Enneagram, the Needs and Values Assessment, and The REALIFE Process®, you will discover, not only how you are wired, but what is truly important to you.
Through discernment and discovery you can create a road map for life.
No longer must you settle for mediocrity and/or chaos, personally (and even spiritually). With self-awareness and discernment, you can explore the areas in your life that you want to focus upon, bring them to the forefront, and prioritize them.
Design and maintain your days, weeks, and years by filling them with what and who you value.
Learn practical and doable ways to shape the rhythms of life by placing guardrails around your schedule. You will experience more than just efficiency…your time will expand and have meaning because you are doing what really matters to you.
Are you in dire need of rest and renewal?
This wild and wieldy—or stressful, or boring, or rigid…or you name it— way of life can be replaced with joy and freedom and margin!
Learn how to incorporate the rhythms of rest and renewal into your everyday life, so you can give your attention to, fully, those people and things that are truly important to you.
Client Testimonials
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
“I hired Elizabeth Simmons as a coach for our Senior Leadership Team. The coaching and applications provided to my team and me were not only enriching, but the training accelerated our transformation from an already highly-functional leadership team into a more inclusive and empathetic team; a team that is now more equipped than ever to lean into each other’s skills and perspectives to seize more business-driving opportunities and solve complex business challenges.”
G. Porter
President, Central Region, Golin P.R. Agency
“Our team has greatly benefited by participating in the Elizabeth’s workshop. We were blown away as we learned that each of us has a different way of looking at the world that affects the way we think, behave, and communicate. It was fascinating to discover our own unique characteristics. For me, it was like looking into a blurry kaleidoscope that suddenly comes into focus. I was able to understand the reasons I behave in certain ways. Because of this experience, our communication and teamwork has greatly improved. Additionally, Elizabeth offered to speak with us one-on-one after the workshop to help us process what we had learned. Thank you, Elizabeth, for leading us through this transformative workshop!”
M. Smith
Children’s Pastor, Meadowbrook Baptist Church
With warmth and insight Elizabeth helps teams and individuals create their own road map for life.
Using the tools of the Enneagram and The REALIFE Process®, Elizabeth helps teams and individuals discover what they hold significant—their needs and desires, how they are wired, how they use their time—so they can be better co-workers, spouses, parents and friends. You learn to live what really matters in your daily life.
Small business owners, church staffs, corporate leadership teams, and/or individuals, can benefit from the knowledge of discovering and living out the truth of their uniqueness.